Saturday 12 November 2011

Nintendon't reports $926M half-year loss

The Big N just got a lot smaller. For the past 6 months, Nintendon't has been in the red with a hefty $926,000,000 loss. One would think with the Wii and original DS selling like hotcakes, Nintendo would be laughing all the way to the bank like they did in the previous years, 2011 doesn't seem to be the case. As of now, the DS is losing steam with all the rehashes on the market, Wii will be forgotten after Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword releases and will remain a shovelware brick for the rest of this gen, and 3D$hit wasn't the cash cow they expected it to be after receiving a $80 price to have a chance to compete with the PS Vita.

Nintendo is said to be taking a loss on each 3D$hit unit sold while the idiot in charge of the company (Satoru Iwata) is taking a 50% pay cut for his utter stupidity to overprice a weak handheld because some mentally retarded sheep gave it too much hype at E3 2010. Of course to get themeselves out this mess, as predictable as always expect Nintendon't to start add-on peddling and milking the same tired IPs with numerous spin-offs to boot. Only a matter of time before Pokemon Gray, Mario Party, Kart ,Baseball, Strikers, Paper Mario, Tennis, Golf, Sports Mix, Legend of Zelda 3DS, Majora's Mask or some other garbage they pull out of their ass hit store shelves. Early 3D$hit buyers will also have to shell out $20-30 for a fugly Circle Pad add-on because Nintendo always has to imitate Sony and charge consumers for "innovation".  


  1. Boy, you make it sound like EVERY SINGLE PERSON who shows interest in Nintendo's consoles positively are lowlives. :P

    What was that sir, a source?
