Thursday 21 February 2013

It's Official! Wii Underpowered is finshed- PS4 enters the fray

Yesterday on February 20th Sony unveiled to the World a glimpse of the PS4 in New York City. Speculated by many to cease existing (Nintenyearolds) Sony has proven to everyone once again why next-gen begins when they say so. Starting off, they talked about the new and improved Dualshock 4 controller that would give any Fisher Price tablet a run for its money. The controller sports a touchpad just like the PS Vita and the upcoming Ouya. The D-Pad has been further perfected putting Xbox 3fixme to shame once again, the analog sticks are now concave to cater to ever growing CoD fagbase along with the L2 and R2 triggers. The home button has been updated to now allow the console enter sleep mode to allow quick suspended play when turned back on and last but not least, a SHARE button that will change console gaming forever.

What is the share button you ask? It's a new little function that allows gamers to stream GAMEPLAY in real time and upload bits over it on UStream for their friends to watch. The new UI that replaces the XMB also allows gamers to watch games their friends are playing even if they don't own a copy of it. Another new function is the ability to allow your friends to temporarily take over your game if you suck ass or want to witness how Godly they are in action.

But enough about that, I'm pretty sure a kiddy gaming company is pouring those tears right now. Next is the power that determines a consoles longevity. PS4 will sport a 8 core x86-64 AMD Jaguar CPU that will surely blow the pants off the HD twins unlike a cretain "other" console that sports the weakest CPU on the planet that even 6-7 year old consoles can out match it and a 1.84 TFLOPS AMD next-generation Radeon GPU that marks its identity as NEXT-GEN. It also packs a whopping 8GBs of GDDR5 RAM (Not really much by PC standards but much better than 2GBs, just saying).

Last but not least the GAMES, the only reason you came to read this wall-of text in the first place. First off, consumers have the ability to play downloaded titles while they're downloading. Yup, no more whining that PSN takes 20 years to download a game when you can play while that percentage slowly rises. First was Knack featuring some tiny creature that grows larger as he absorbs his surroundings around him and Hulk smashes everything. Not that original but much better than saving some Princess for the 20,000th time, AMIRITE? Next up was Killzone Shadow Fall which while criticized for being the same old cookie-cutter shooter really upped the bar in visuals (and hopefully enemy AI) than CANNOT be done on a PS3 or a revised 7th gen console *coughWiiUcough*. Then there was InFamous Second Son which should bring some new life into the sandbox genre, Drive Club which already shits on Forza, New Media Molecule game, Quantic Dremas showing off how much of a beast PS4 is, Demon's/Dark Souls Crapcom Editio.. I mean Deep Down, Square Shitnix announcing an announcement and other games like Destiny, Diablow III, Watch Dogs and The Witness.

Now that Sony has shown us that next-gen began without showing a damn console, I wonder what this means for Kidtendo whose Wii Need Games U has been flopping across the charts. I'm sure they'll be fine with the usual milking of the overweight plumber and tired IPs from decades ago. PS- Keep damage controlling Nintenyearolds :)

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